Friday, March 7, 2008

Wow, it's been a while.

Well, it's been a pretty hectic few weeks for us. The little man is doing some really exciting stuff these days: he is fully crawling, he is pulling himself up to standing at furniture, people, toys, pets, cabinets, drawers...well, you get the picture. He loves being at Jamie's house. It's fun to see him in a different environment from what we have at home. I love hearing about how he plays when I'm not around; it's like seeing another side of our little boy! Here is a recent mischief photo of Vince...he climbed in to the cage all on his own:

Dan's job is going really well. He is still loving what he does, which makes every one's life happier. On the weekends that Dan comes home, he is working on fixing up the back room of our house to make the place a bit more marketable.

I have been training a new employee, Debbie, at work. She seems to be catching on really well and she has experience in the industry, so it's nice not to have to start from scratch. It is also nice to have someone to bear the burden of my ever-growing list of things to do! For the last few months I have been feeling like I do a lot of things at once and not as well as I could, whereas now I'm already starting to feel like I can do just one or two things at a time and do them well!!! So that's exciting. The setup of my desk has rearranged to provide room for her, so we're trying to figure out how we can arrange things so that everything works ergonomically. Right now we're doing a lot of stretching and reaching and we're both seeing how uncomfortable that is. Either way, though, it's nice to have some relief!

We were excited to find out that Dan's sister Ezzy is having another girl; you can't go wrong with lots of PINK!!! Macaria hasn't decided yet whether she's going to make us all wait until August to find out the sex of her baby or whether she'll have mercy on us and tell us at the beginning of April. So far the trend is girls this year between Ezzy and the Hawkers! We'll see if the trend keeps going!

Here's another funny photo just to give you a chuckle:

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