So our little man is showing his personality more and more each day. It turns out he is a big scaredy cat. He is typically a great car passenger. He loves rides. He either plays with his toys or talks to himself in the mirror, or falls asleep. Except lately in the evenings he starts to cry and cry until mommy searches frantically for some way to pacify our restless tike. I know there is something wrong when even his pacifier won't help. So I'll pull over, turn on the dome light and check to make sure the seat belt is not pinching him. The minute I flip on the light, the heavens open, the choir sings and my baby boy coos and giggles and bats his beautiful eyelashes. Hmm...could it be??? So I experimentally flip the light off and the crybaby returns in full force. And I freely, albeit a bit shamefully admit that I do turn the light back on and drive home wondering if there are any other vehicles behind me but grateful that at least for a time, my little man is comfy and secure. I know. I'm an enabler. I can't help it. Crying in his crib is one thing, but screaming in the back seat while I'm trying to drive is quite another.
Happy birthdays to Uncle Danny and Aunt Yolanda!!!!