Saturday, January 30, 2010

videos work

Somehow the videos from the previous post were not working, but I fixed them. If you were unable to view them before, you should be able to see them now. Update: Anthony has made huge progress since the last post just a few days ago. He is now crossing entire rooms on his own and loves it. He takes off on his own, he can pivot and turn and come down somewhat safely to a sitting position. We can't wait to show Mary his progress in the past week!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Upright and Mobile!!!!

Anthony is doing great with his physical therapy! He is making great progress and taking lots of steps on his own. He still needs to learn to get up without furniture or a wall for support, but he's great at getting going on his own. The video is of AJ and Mary (the physical therapist). We love Mary. She is so wonderful with both of the boys and is really great about including Vincent in Anthony's learning.

It's been so long since we've posted, it's hard to think of what all is new. Vince is really talkative and is making really long and complex sentences. He's not afraid to voice his desires...we're working on respectful voicing of said desires. It's a lot of hit and miss, but lately I've been asking him to smile while he says what he wants so that I can hear the smile in his voice. I think that's the route we're going to use for a while; it seems to help. He had a great time playing in the snow while it lasted.

The other day Vince came over to me and gave me a big hug and said, "Oh, my sweetie." It made my day. And Anthony is incredibly affectionate. He loves kissing...sometimes he just leans his head in and lets us kiss his forehead.