For those of you who may be placing wagers on baby Ripley's arrival:
I went to the dr today and I have not made much progress since a week and a half ago. I have been having a few contractions per day, but I don't think they're anything to get excited about. I'm dilated to 1cm and thinning. The baby has begun to descend, though, which was nice to hear. I was told once this week that I had dropped (I can't tell, myself), so the dr confirmed it!
I am more pregnant now than I've ever been, since Vince was born by this time in my last pregnancy. I am really looking forward to having a completely natural birth, so I am praying that the baby will come on his own...soon. The dr said that they will want to induce me if I go to 41.5 weeks, which means we are praying for AJ to arrive on or before Nov 17. Feel free to join us in praying for this! But we do trust that God has a perfect date all picked out for AJ to makes his appearance and are just trying to enjoy the last few full nights of sleep we all can get.
Vince and Dan and I got our last photos of just the 3 of us today. We had a lot of fun and we're really looking forward to getting the prints at the end of next week. They aren't the quality of Sarah Hedman Photography (, but we'll take what we can get.
Hope you're enjoying your first days of November. Don't forget to vote!! (As if I had to remind you.)