AJ had his 2 month check up last week and he weighed 13 lbs, 12 oz. He's in the 91st percentile. I love my chunky, cheeky baby!
My dear friend Joan came to visit us from California. She grew up in LA so it's safe to say she's literally never been so cold in her life. I learned a little more about California living as she learned about midwest living. Did you know that there are no Super Walmarts in Orange County!!? She was shocked that you could get everything at Wally, including electronics, groceries, oil change, prescriptions, craft supplies, etc. I realized that she must have to go to several different stores for a regular shopping trip...then again, as Joan pointed out, they aren't cold there like we are.
Anyway, the boys loved her and I think they grew on her a little too. She wrapped up Vince like a burrito at Veggie Tale time and he watched a whole Veggie Tale video wrapped up like that! It was such a joy to have her stay with us. I can't wait to take the boys to Cali and let her show them the ocean for the first time.
On the way to drop Joan at the airport we stopped in Chester, IL, the home of Popeye. Then we went to visit the Arch in St Louis. Vince loved looking at the animals in the Arch's Museum. We weren't able to get to the top because Vince was struggling through his regular naptime and I didn't want him to have a breakdown on the Tram. Hopefully next time we can get Joan to the top to see the amazing view.