Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Trip to the Zoo

We went to the Saint Louis Zoo last week with Mariah, Sidney, and Baby Gabe. The kids had a great time despite being nap-deprived. Vince was particularly fond of the train ride and the carousel.

Anthony says, "I'm hot!!"

Vince and Sidney rode in peace most of the day. They each started taunting the other, putting one leg over to the other one's side. They're just like brother and sister!

Pretty Sidney riding the train through the tunnel.

Vince was only a little scared of the dark tunnel, but mommy was there to comfort him.

So sweet.

Enjoying the sites in the zoo train.

Riding the tiger in the carousel.


  1. Actually, Anthony appears distraught or maybe even disappointed. It's probably because his mom spelled his name wrong.

  2. don't be absurd. Of course I didn't spell his name wrong. I am his mother, for crying out loud (not to mention my obvious proclivity for spelling and grammar). How could I possibly spell his name wrong? By the way, I have a few guesses as to who my anonymous poster is...I won't drop names but I think it starts with an "A" and ends with an "aron."
    Hmmm...now that I think of it, most of my friends are smarty-pants, so it could be Mandy, Brandon...maybe even Cathy, but only because I know she's so observant. The smart money's on AC though. Or Brandon...is this payback for the weary/wary correction?
