Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Funny Boys

Vincent recently started using a footstool (which he carries from the bathroom) to reach the top drawer of his dresser. This drawer holds random stuff, keepsakes from when he was a baby, security blankets, toys I wanted him not to find, you get the idea. One of the items in the drawer was the little hat he got from the hospital when he was born. He found this about a month or so before Silas was born and I told him all about the day he got it. So now he really likes to play with it; sometimes he wears it, and other times he uses it as a bag to carry his little cars in. As you can imagine, 3 years later it doesn't exactly fit the same.

Anthony had a less-than-excited reaction to meeting Silas for the first time:

He's warmed up to Sy since then, but I think it has more to do with the fact that there is a pacifier in the house again. I found Anthony relaxing with a paci one day, just chillin out like there was nothing out of the ordinary. If you look closely at one of Sy's pacifiers you can see AJ's teeth marks.

This is one of Silas's newborn photos. I will try to find the pic we have of AJ doing the same thing...

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