Friday, May 2, 2008

Big Brother

From the title you may expect to see a commentary on the latest case of Big Brother watching us...nope. None of that here.
November 6, 2008 is the due date of our next little baby. We are thrilled to welcome her to the world and to our growing family. Notice my use of "her." I will be perfectly joyful if it's a boy, but I have had the overriding feeling the entire time I've been pregnant (13 weeks, by the way) that we're having a girl this time. It's the same instinct that told me all along that Vince was a boy. Although, Dan is convinced this one's a boy too. As I said, I will be overjoyed either way and I think we are going to wait to find out the sex of the baby until he/she gets here. If Vince was a little older it might help to know so that we could prepare him, but he's not going to understand there's even a baby coming, let alone will the sex of the baby make any difference to him.
On another note, Vince is teething again and we are all seeing the effect it has on his young demeanor. Mr. Grumpalumpagus is certainly very demanding during this time to say the least. The nice thing is he seems to be continuing to carry the trend of sprouting two teeth with each round, so it's like getting a "twofer" (and a toofer...heeehee). That's a play on words for those of you who don't appreciate lexical genius. (another joke)
We feel like we are getting closer to being able live together as a family and we are thanking the Lord for this hope! It was looking bleak for a while, but we are starting to believe (for various reasons) that it will happen soon. Of course now with the new baby coming there's even more of an urgency, but we trust that it's going to happen sooner than later. Hooraaay!!!!

1 comment:

    and that is wonderful that you will all be together soon- this has got to be hard on you both. M'Boro is waiting for you!

    Can't wait to meet you little girl baby!
