Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sweet and Sour

I've found that Vincent's extremes offset each other pretty well. There is a precious, cuddly side that I just can't get enough of.

He usually even gives me a head-on-my-shoulder-hug afterwards too. I love it!

Then there's the other side. For some reason I picture myself doing the exact same stuff at his age...I might even have subconscious memories of it. It's unbelievable how much he looks like me in the face when he's doing this:

We tend to think that a child who throws tantrums is a sign of bad parenting. But I prefer to think it's the way a parent deals with the tantrum that shows whether the parenting style is effective or not. That episode was last night, but this morning was even more interesting. He did this on the kitchen floor for about 5 minutes while I sat in the den eating my breakfast, waiting for him to finish so we could leave.


  1. i have no idea what you're talking kids are angelic all the time! HAAAA!!!!!

  2. Well written article.
