Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Big developments

Silas is growing so fast. I'm so glad I get to be home to see each new development as it comes. At his 6 month check-up the doctor was pleased with his progress and growth. Here are some milestone photos of my littlest man.

This is right after he rolled over for the first time, 5 days before he turned 3 months old.

Silas was my #2 date to Matt & Holly Danler's wedding.

Eating cereal for the first time at a little over 4 months old.

I have a very similar photo of Anthony as a baby, except Anthony fell asleep with a toy in his mouth. This was during Silas's short-lived thumb-sucking stage.

Chillin in the exersaucer, watching his brothers play. This exersaucer has served all three boys and is still in great shape. A wonderful gift from my former MID-CO coworkers!

Sitting up for the first time the day he turned 5 months old

"This little piggy went to market..." Silas grabbed Cori's foot and I could have sworn he was going to put it in his mouth! I love how she's just sitting back, relaxing, like "That's right. Entertain me, dude." They are great buddies!

Singing to mommy

Screeching to mommy :)