Anthony and Silas had Pink Eye in May. Very sad. Silas just had a very mild case, but Anthony's was pretty pitiful looking. I had to cancel a much anticipated winery tour to stay home with him. They only get sick/needy when I have big plans; they are usually such low maintenance kids!
For some reason Silas's crib became the hottest hiding spot in the house.
First scrape of the summer, presented by Vincent
Anthony felt the dry erase board was not enough surface to color on, so he started with his body. Notice the mural in the background from another day...all my walls are colored.
This one is a little embarrassing, because it seems like this would have taken a long time to build up, but I SWEAR I just looked behind the couch a week before this pic was taken. My kids eat A LOT of generic NutraGrain bars, so it didn't take very long for this massive pile of wrappers to accrue.
I love that the legs are sticking out from under the "hiding spot". HeHe! I L'dOL at that one just a little. So cute!