Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bruised baby ribs

Mommy was gone for a long time yesterday. Daddy stayed home with me and I made sure he paid lots of attention to me by crying a lot. I don't know where mommy went, but she was gone when I woke up and she didn't come home until my 5th meal of the day. When she came home she picked me up and squeezed me all night long. I liked it at first but after a while I just wanted her to let me go. I tried to tell her that, but while I was talking, she just kept making these silly faces and cooing noises at me. Don't tell her I said so, but I don't think she's the brightest crayola in the box.

I'm really growing. Tomorrow I have my 2 month well baby checkup. Mommy and Daddy can't wait to see how much I weigh. They call me a tank, but I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. They also say I'm handsome, so being a tank must not be too bad.

Last weekend Mommy and Daddy rented a mini-van and we drove down to Southern Illinois to visit Uncle Arty and Aunt Cathy and Finlay. I was in the car for a really long time throughout the weekend and I was a champ...so was Finn. We got sad a few times, but mostly we were little angels. Mommy says there must be a sleeper gene that only surfaces at childbirth, because she never thought she would want to own a mini-van, but now she can't wait to get one. Daddy wants one too. I think it's a great idea because that means I will have more places to keep my toys.

Mommy's trying to get used to pumping during work. She says it was hard enough trying to remember how to do her job, but now she has to take more breaks than she used to, so she has to try to work those breaks in. Everything else just takes practice, so this is probably just another thing she needs to get used to and then it will become second nature, just like diaper changing, breastfeeding, bathing...well, the bathing routine is still a bit sketchy, but getting better each time.

1 comment:

  1. Mommy is absolutely right about the pumping. I remember wanting to cry the first day I went back to work and had to hook up the pump. It was so giant and cold and electric as compared to my sweet warm little baby. It was sure hard to do at first, but you are right- it will become very easy with time and practice.
