Monday, August 18, 2008

Baby Ripley Update

I had my 28 week appointment last week. It was my first appointment with the new OB, Dr. Schneider. Cathy Kunz made an excellent recommendation. She seemed really nice and very knowledgeable. Of course it's impossible to replace Dr. Dameron, but I feel good about the recomendation that Cathy gave. Their office is a little different from Dr. Dameron and Weaver's. There are several docs and you rotate through until you meet each of them in case your own doc isn't on call when you actually deliver. So next week (I start going every 2 weeks now) I see a different doctor.

Anyway, the 28 week checkup is when you do the glucose test and other lab work. I was so afraid that I would have gestational diabetes again this time, but the results came back fine!!! I was so relieved to hear that. I do have to take an iron supplement because I'm slightly anemic, but I would much rather that than pricking my finger 5 times a day and giving up all those carbs and sugar I love so much. I get to have another sonogram next week because the belly measured slightly small, but I'm not really worried about that: I measured right on target at my last appointment with Dr. Dameron, so I can't be that far off. Plus I read that every doc measures differently so you have to account for that. I have gained less weight at this point than I had with Vince, which I'm sure is because of all the physical activity I have been doing since I got to Murphy.

Dan is off to Louisville, KY for work. I didn't realize he'd be doing so much traveling for this job. He's gone somewhere every month since April. Usually it's a week long training course, but this time it's just a new employee orientation, so he'll be back in no time.

Vince is teething (what else is new?) and this is probably the most pain I've seen him in with teeth. The poor kid walks around holding his jaw all the time. I try to keep him comfortable, but there's so little you can do for them. I've been having an issue with one of my wisdom teeth and I know that hurts like the dickens for me, a grownup; I can only imagine how painful it is for my little man! On a bright note, the weather has been beautiful here, so we've been able to spend some more time outside than the first week we were here. Vince loves his park and he met another little boy named Vincent there today...but they call him Vinnie. It was weird hearing someone say that name since we never call him that.

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