Monday, August 11, 2008

We're Home!

Well, we have officially moved in and gotten settled. The house is fantastic, but we still don't have internet yet so I can't post any photos for you, but stay tuned...they'll be here. We still have a little unpacking to do, and there's not much on the walls yet, but it's already feeling like home.

Vince is adjusting very well to his new surroundings, which makes everyone happy! We love looking out the window at the kids playing at the park. When we go over there, Vince just plays in the mulch for the most part...he's so fascinated by it. We also have a poor-man's sprayground: it's an oscillating sprinkler that I set up in the driveway and Vince loves to play in that. It's not Tipton Park or Miller Park, but it makes the little man happy. He also plays in our little plastic wading'd think it was the ocean for all the fun he has in there. The other day we got out to go get lunch, stripped vince down to his Nemo swim-diaper, and headed into the house...I turned around to see if he was still in tow, but he had run back to the pool and climbed back in and started splashing around!!! So I let him play for a few more minutes while I got some sun.

Dan had a 4 day feild training exercise in Indiana this past weekend, so it was just me and Vince...again. But we stayed busy and had fun. I got some house supplies from the store and got everything ready for Dan to do the drilling and hanging when he got back. Dan had fun on the range with his soldiers. He took command of a unit in Centralia, IL a few months ago and he's really pleased with his Soldiers' performance. They do really good work and they always seem to make him look good to his own superiors. Next weekend will be the first time in a long time that we have a full couple days to ourselves with out work or Army or moving, so we're looking forward to a good amount of family time.

Bosley is not adjusting quite as well to the new house, so we're trying really hard to be patient with him. He's really antsy about all the park traffic across the street and I think he's just trying to get used to the new layout of the house. In the old house he could look out the windows, but it's not quite as easy for him here, so I think he doesn't like knowing there's something going on outside, but that he can't see what's happening. Poor pup.

It's weird not leaving the house to work every day, but I've been staying so busy that it doesn't feel like I'm not working at all! I have to give major props to full-time moms who've been doing it for years and with multiple children! I am loving it and have started figuring out a new schedule so that everything stays orderly and normal around the house. It's fun "managing" the house in a different capacity...I am doing a lot of the same things I always did, but now I finally have the time I always wished I had to do those little things. As a working mom you don't get to invest much time in many activities. I finally feel like I can fully invest myself in being a wife and mom the way Dan and Vince deserve. The best part is that I don't have to skimp on giving them the attention I should and I don't have to feel like I'm being a sub-par employee by taking time off for family time. (Not that MID-CO ever made me feel that way, but sometimes I felt like I could have been more mentally and physically present as an employee.) Anyway, this is turning into rambling now and I want to get some books before getting back home.

We'll post photos soon. Hope everyone is well.

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