I was reminded this morning of a really funny story that Dan likes to tell about his old school mate, John Tyler, aka: Johnny Tavern. When they were in high school Johnny would ask his mom for some cash so they could "get something to eat." This boy didn't ask for the normal amount of cash. He would regularly ask for $50 at a time. Dan witnessed, on more than one occasion as I understand it, Mrs. Tyler putting her foot down. The exchange would go something like this:
JT: Mom, I need 50 bucks so we can get some food.
Mrs T: Johnny, I just gave you $50 two days ago. Where did that go?
JT: C'mon mom!
Mrs. T: Johnny, I am not giving you $50. You can forget it. (
reaches into her purse, rifles around a bit.) I am not made of money you know.
JT: I know, Mom.
Mrs. T: You are not getting $50 from me today, Johnny. I'm putting my foot down. (
Still digging around in purse, finally coming up with something). You're going to get $45 and you're going to like it, Mister.
Boy, she sure showed him. How, you ask, was I reminded of this comical recanting of Dan's past? Well it all started when I woke up alone in bed this morning. I looked around and thought, well, maybe he's in the restroom. . . nope. Not there.
Hmmm....Then I vaguely remembered a miniature someone crying from his crib in the wee hours. As I began to survey the situation, I realized Daddy must have gone up to comfort the little one, returning the coveted pacifier to the tiny mouth, and lost his way back to the parental suite on the main level of the estate.
So I used our high tech intercom system to send a message to the upper level. That is, I shouted up the stairs for Dan to bring Vince down to me so we could get ready to leave. When I asked what happened to him, this was his explanation.
"Well, he kept losing his pacifier and I went up there a few times and I got tired of walking up and down the stairs. So I said, 'That's it. This is the last time I'm coming up here, Mister. I'm not going up and down these stairs one more time. You better keep this pacifier. But in case you don't, I'm going to take this throw pillow, put it right here on the floor, curl up and have a nice little nap, because gosh darn it, I'm not going up and down those stairs one more time. You hear me?' And that's why I was sleeping upstairs this morning."
Wow, he sure put Vince in his place, didn't he? Man, I don't know what I would do if I had such a strict dad. I mean Dan really showed Vince who's boss. And Dan really stuck to his guns. He didn't go up those stairs one more time the whole night. I'm so proud of my rock of a husband. I'm so glad to discover he's definitely not a pushover or a softie. heehee. Just goes to show, a whining baby is enough to bring a 190 pound man to his knees.